Hi Wes, 

On your first point, the WG discussed that point and the conclusion was to not 
obsolete SSE: 

Re-reading the text in the draft, I do agree that your comment is fair and NEW 
text is needed to better clarify this. I trust the authors will take care of 

Thank you for tagging this.

(Doc Shepherd)

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org> De la part de Wesley Eddy via
> Datatracker
> Envoyé : lundi 23 octobre 2023 19:13
> À : iot-director...@ietf.org
> Cc : alto@ietf.org; draft-ietf-alto-new-transport....@ietf.org; last-
> c...@ietf.org
> Objet : [alto] Iotdir telechat review of draft-ietf-alto-new-
> transport-17
> Reviewer: Wesley Eddy
> Review result: Ready with Issues
> I only found 1 real "issue" in reading this document, and a few
> smaller nits, described below.  None of these comments are
> specifically related to IoTDIR type of concerns, and it doesn't seem
> like the protocol would be intended for use in IoT.
> Issues:
> 1) The placement of TIPS relative to other ALTO standards is unclear.
> This became evident to me on page 4, reading the bottom paragraph with
> "Despite the benefits, however, ...".  Is the gist of this paragraph
> supposed to be that the WG does not think that TIPS should totally
> replace ALTO/SSE?  It's not clear to me what the recommendation or
> applicability statement for these is in practical terms.  The WG
> should convey more clearly what it believes implemenentations and
> deployments should be using, under what circumstances.  If both
> protocols are maintained as standards track, then it should be clearly
> stated why that needs to be the case and that this does not obsolete
> ALTO/SSE.  It seems to be created as another option, with unclear
> guidance provided to implementers about what to do.
> Nits:
> 1) page 4
> from
> "no capability it transmits incremental"
> to
> "no capability to transmit incremental"
> 2) I don't know if this is typical for other ALTO documents, but the
> usage of the term "transport protocol" in the first paragraph of
> section 1 is not consistent with the Internet architecture where
> "transport protocols" are TCP,
> UDP, SCTP, etc., nor is it "transport" in the sense of MPLS, etc.   I
> would
> suggest using the alternative term "transfer" to be less jarring.  Of
> course, if this is already the standard terminology for ALTO that the
> IETF has accepted, then this comment can be ignored.
> 3) In the section 5.4 example, should "my-networkmap" in some of the
> "uses"
> values by "my-network-map" that was defined at the top?
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