Richard Grace wrote:
> >>> Gregory Propf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/01/01 04:54am >>>
> > I have an old Travan floppy tape (400mb uncompressed).
> This makes me wonder if anyone is using Colorado QIC floppy tapes...?

I have a Colorado 1400 floppy tape drive and an FC-20 floppy controller.
I use QIC-3020 650MB tapes from 3M (Imation) (MC3000XL). It all works
fine under Linux and AMANDA. I have posted a detailed message to this
list about compilation of ftape for use with AMANDA on Oct. 25th 2000. 

> Has anyone got (or heard of) one running with amanda?  Perhaps there is > better 
>support in Linux or Solaris x86?  

ftape is actively maintained on linux by Claus-Justus Heine. There is a
mailing list (linux-tape) which will certainly answer your questions.
Check the Linux Ftape Homepage at AMANDA works fine with
ftape under Linux. I will be glad to help where I can to get this work
for you too.

> I really only need to back up /etc on the local machine and a few others so the size 
>of the tape would be perfect if I can make it work.

Go on and give it a try!


Chris Karakas
Don´t waste your cpu time - crack rc5:

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