* John R. Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Feb 05, 2001 at 01:30:50PM -0500)
> >but this means the man-pages are wrong.
> You mean you actually read them???  :-)

yes, actually I did,
and as I noticed, not good enough, quite a lot of stuff asked here is
actually answered in the manpages or in the FAQ
(if you know where to look ;) )

[like my question about dumpcycle/tapecycle from a few weeks back]

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  Standing above the crowd, he had a voice so strong and loud
 =`\<,                  we'll miss him
(=)/(=) Ranting and pointing his finger, At everything but his heart
                        we'll miss him

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