hi ben,

On Thu, Feb 22, 2001 at 11:17:58PM +1100, Ben Elliston wrote:
> Is there any easy way to force a level 0 backup of every disk in the
> disklist?

you of course need to use "amadmin CONFIG force <hostname> [disk]".
now, since at least "hostname" is a required arg to amadmin force,
i use some shell script stuff to help out here.  this apporoximates
what i do:


  awk '{print $1}' /path/to/CONFIG/disklist | \
        sed -e 's/^#.*//' | sort | uniq \
        > /path/to/CONFIG/Forcelist

  for host in `cat /path/to/CONFIG/Forcelist` ; do
#    echo "EXEC: amadmin CONFIG force $host"
    amadmin CONFIG force $host


i would suggest that you read that carefully and make sure you 
understand what each cmd in the pipes is doing, and in the for-loop
you should comment-out the amadmin cmd and uncomment the echo cmd
until you are sure it will be doing what you want it to  ;*)

> Ben


Christopher Linn, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    | By no means shall either the CEC
Staff System Administrator            | or MTU be held in any way liable
  Center for Experimental Computation | for any opinions or conjecture I
    Michigan Technological University | hold to or imply to hold herein.

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