On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:54:50 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >I've taken over the amanda backups of a number of machines. They seem 
> >to be working now except that 3 machines fail with this error message 
> >like this:
> >  FAIL planner glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 0 [Request to glenord failed: 
> >  timeout waiting for ACK]
> Based on that message, your server appears to be running the main CVS
> code, otherwise known as "2.5" or the development (i.e. "expermental")
> branch.  Is that correct and did you realize that?  

It is correct. I was unaware of this. You see I am trying to 
fix this for a network that I am not familiar with. And the person who 
set it up has left. The server is running  "Amanda-2.5.0-19990816"
and the SGI clients "Amanda-2.4.2-19990203".

> If you don't want
> to be on the bleeding edge you might consider going back to 2.4.2p1,
> the latest stable release.

I certainly don't want to be on the bleeding edge, but I'm not sure how 
much effort will be required to reconfigure the server and all the Sun 
clients to the earlier version. I mean I have the configuration file 
amanda.conf, so will there be much effort involved in getting 2.4.2p1, 
installing the client and server side, and then could I just use the 
old amanda.conf file with the tapelist and disklist files and it should 
continue from where it left off? ie I just replace the the 2.5 binaries 
with the older 2.4.2 ones?

> I've seen a timeout problem where clients were not at 2.5.0 and the
> server was.  It has to do with the new protocol engine in the security
> code in 2.5, but I didn't bother working on it at the time (although I
> seem to recall posting to amanda-hackers, with no reply).
> >... The fix is probably fairly obvious ...
> Actually, I suspect the fix is going to require some reasonably
> good coding, C level and protocol debugging experience on your part.

I'm afraid I can't spare the time to do this.

> You might search the amanda-hackers archive for my post and see if that
> gets you started.

I'll have alook.
Thanks for your time,

> >Is it got something to do with the fact that it has xfs type 
> >filesystems and an efs filesystem? Do I have to tell amanada (somehow) 
> >about this?
> No, this isn't the problem and no, you don't have tell Amanda about this.
> It figures it out for itself.
> >Ross
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

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