>Anyone know what's going on with runtar?  

Runtar is a simple wrapper around GNU tar.  It's only point in life is
to be setuid-root so it can pass that privilege on to GNU tar.  It's
GNU tar that's having trouble with the unsigned long uid_t on AIX.

Actually, that's not even quite true.  The tar header format has room
for 8 *octal* characters in the uid field.  8**8 -> 16777215.

The tar header extension (ustar) supports a login *name* rather than uid,
so there might be hope.

I could not find this message in the tar sources I looked at.
What version of GNU tar are you using?  /usr/local/bin/tar --version

You might also do this on hendrix:

  find /usr -xdev -user 4294967294 -print

and see what showed up on your system all of the sudden.  Note that
4294967294 is probably also known as -2.

"If it hurts when you do that, don't do that."  :-)


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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