Has anybody any experience with backing up LSM drives using Amanda?

I have configured the system so that amcheck is happy, but amdump
reports disk is offline.

I have set the device permissions like so:

brw-r---- root system /dev/vol/rootvol      (logical volume)
crw-r---- root system /dev/rvol/rootvol

brw-r---- root system /dev/rz8a             (physical device)
crw-r---- root system /dev/rrz8a
brw-r---- root system /dev/rz1a             (mirror device)
crw-r---- root system /dev/rrz1a

And I have exclusively tried the following disklist entries:

domino1 /dev/vol/rootvol nocomp-root
domino1 /dev/rz8a nocomp-root
domino1 / nocomp-root


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