
Tanniel Simonian wrote:
> Hey,
> Yeah I had called tech support on that particular reason and they said
> that premature EOTs were cause by the self cleaning engaging during middle
> of the dump..
> I supposedly have a .i file that removes the autocleaning ability and that
> you'll hav to manually clean the tapes.

I had read about that problem, but it wasn't what I was seeing.
My writes would fail almost everytime at random places, often
after only a few hundred megabytes or a few gigabytes. It seemed
to improve the faster I wrote to the tape, but not always. The
best I ever got while trying to sort the problem out was 50Gb
using "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rmt/0bn".

The explanation I heard was that the work-around put in
the firmware is to skip over bad sections of tape if the bad
spot is less than a millimetre long. I also heard that this
was to allow third party tape brands to work more reliably,
but I've only ever used Exabyte tapes in this drive.

Anyway, since upgrading, my backups are running 100% reliably.
My supplier was very good, arranging with Exabyte (locally)
to swap my tape unit for one with updated firmware when
upgrade tapes weren't yet available.


> Tano
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Ross Johnson wrote:
> > As of firmware upgrade 8ck3v03a (8ch3v03a for HVD
> > drives), Exabyte have fixed a major problem with
> > premature EOT errors. I have just upgraded and was
> > able to do a full level 0 dump for the first time
> > without getting inconsistent EOTs.
> >
> > So if you're getting this kind of error, it may be worth
> > a trip to
> >
> > http://www.exabyte.com/support/online/downloads/firmware_tape.cfm
> >
> > Regards.
> >
> > --
> > +-------------------------+---+
> > | Ross Johnson            |   | "Come down off the cross
> > | Management & Technology |___|  We can use the wood" - Tom Waits
> > | Building 11                 |
> > | University of Canberra      | eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > | ACT    2601                 | WWW:
> > http://public.ise.canberra.edu.au/~rpj/
> > | AUSTRALIA                   |
> > +-----------------------------+
> >

| Ross Johnson            |   | "Come down off the cross
| Management & Technology |___|  We can use the wood" - Tom Waits
| Building 11                 |
| University of Canberra      | eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| ACT    2601                 | WWW:  
| AUSTRALIA                   |

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