On Apr  5, 2001, "Dave Hecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Which is easiest to maintain/setup - NFS mount the Win2k volumes onto the
> Linux box and use a gnu-tar-index backup, or install samba and use
> smbclient.  I lean towards NFS, is there any reason I should not?

I'd much rather use NFS than SMB.  It's generally far more efficient.
However, God only knows how much crap an NFS server running on
MS-Windows would have to work against, so it might be that it actually
takes longer to run.

I'd probably do some testing with both tar over NFS and smbtar before
making a decision, then post the results here for the benefit of
others in the same situation (hint, hint :-)

Alexandre Oliva   Enjoy Guarana', see http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Red Hat GCC Developer                  aoliva@{cygnus.com, redhat.com}
CS PhD student at IC-Unicamp        oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist    *Please* write to mailing lists, not to me

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