Below are the two pertinant parts (I think) of an error that is occuring on
an everyday basis on this server. Amcheck runs just fine, it just does not
work on this server. There are 11 other servers that are being backed up
just fine but this one just does not want to work. I recently upgraded the
OS from Freebsd 2.2.7 to Freebsd 4.2. This is when the error started
occuring. The upgrade kind of botched itself when it ran but I was able to
recover most of the server. Of course it was upgraded because we could not
find a network card that worked decently to do a backup with amanda so we
did not have a backup of the server. (3c509's work terriably in Freebsd,
especially under a load like amanda, even the fix that we found on one of
the mailing lists did not fix the problem)

Any help would be appreciated. Also if there is any further information that
I could give pertaining to this backup.

  web45.inte ad0s1f lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
  web45.inte ad0s1a lev 0 FAILED [could not connect to web45.internal]
  web45.inte ad0s1e lev 0 FAILED [could not connect to web45.internal]

/-- web45.inte ad0s1f lev 0 FAILED [data timeout]
sendbackup: start [web45.internal:ad0s1f level 0]
sendbackup: info BACKUP=/usr/bin/tar
sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/usr/bin/tar -f... -
sendbackup: info end
? sendbackup: index tee cannot write [Broken pipe]
? index returned 1
sendbackup: error [/usr/bin/tar got signal 13]


Ryan Williams

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