On Wed, 9 May 2001, Nicki Messerschmidt wrote:
> I'm runnig several Amanda hosts and an Amanda server. Everything works fine,
> but...
> theres one thing I really don't know how to do the simplest possible way:
> How to revocer an Amanda Client if the whole disk is corrupt and I have to
> replace it.
> Is there a simple method without installing a complete new linux and then
> amanda?
> I know how to restore files with amrecover and amrestore, never done it via
> dd...

What you want is a bootable CD which contains the tools to
format a disk and tar/restore from the amanda dump.

linuxcare provides an image for a bootable CD


Or maybe you can use the CD you installed linux from.

Since the crashed machine almost never has a tape driver,
you'll end up doing something like

  rsh amandahost amrestore -p host filesystem | tar xf -

I use dump/restore (yes, I hear the groans) and have had
problems rsh'ing to restore, so I usually amrestore the
archive to a file and then extract from that via nfs mount
or copying the file to the machine.

Amanda documentation describes the command.

And you'll need to fiddle with lilo to the make the drive bootable.

You should find a guinea pig machine and try this!

One surprise I had with the linuxcare CD was that it created
a filesystem which was a slightly newer version of ext2.  The
restore went fine, but afterward dump failed, complaining that
the filesystem was a newer version than the dump version.
Replacing dump with a newer version fixed that.

Good luck,


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