>  I am new to amanda back up ...

Then welcome to the Amanda mailing list!

>I heard that Loading Samba on win2k & unix boxes, and configuring amanda
>will enable to take backup of both win2k and unix servers..

It doesn't quite work this way (but close).

Samba is a package that runs on Unix machines and talks the Windows file
sharing protocols.  So what you'll do is install Samba on one of your
Unix machines, and then tell Amanda to use that Unix machine to reach
out to the Windows boxes.

So the first thing to do is pick a Unix machine and install Samba on it.
Once you have that working and can connect to the Windows machines with
smbclient (which is described in the Samba documentation), then you can
add in the Amanda parts.

Take a look at docs/SAMBA that comes with the Amanda distribution.
There is also some discussion in:


And if you get stuck, don't hesitate to post here again.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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