On Sun, 19 Aug 2001, Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:

> We recently acquired a large Sun tape library, and I have been tasked
> with configuring Amanda to use it.
> This library holds around 100 DLT tapes and has a single robotic arm
> which serves four drives.  The arm and each drive are distinct devices
> on the SCSI bus.  The autoloader also has a bar code reader.
> I am thinking I will create four distinct Amanda configurations, one
> for each tape drive, which just happen to share a changerdev.  I am
> hoping multiple concurrent attempts to use the changer will get
> queued, as opposed to just failing...
> I am also hoping to use the mtx from Sourceforge plus a recent version
> of Amanda (with chg-zd-mtx) to make use of the bar codes.
> Questions:
>     Is anybody else using Amanda on similar hardware?  If so, what
>     does your configuration look like?

Similar in the sense of number of tapes and drives.  Make sure you have
the tapedev set to each drive's no-rewind device in each of the 4 

>     Is the barcode-to-Amanda-label database robust against multiple
>     concurrent readers?  What about multiple concurrent writers?  And
>     is it this support documented somewhere yet :-) ?

Since you'll have 4 amanda configs, you'll have 4 separate barcode
databases.  Since this all relies on the scsi bus and how it handles
multiple requests, I'm not sure of the answer to the last questions.  I
run all 4 jobs at the same time, if that's what you mean.

> Thanks!
>  - Pat

   Jason Hollinden

   MH5 Systems Admin

   "Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial."

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