On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Karl, Matthew wrote:

> Amanda-users,
> We have an Overland DLT LoaderXpress LXL1B10, and Amanda (latest) is running
> on Solaris 7. We are unable to get Amanda to work the autoloader. I have
> just recently started in this area, so please pardon my ignorance as I do
> not know exactly what to ask. If anyone has any suggestions they would be
> greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
> Regards,
> Matthew


I m planning to use the same config than u except the fact that my
server will be on solaris 8.
But i would like to know if it works before buying the autoloader

I had some contact with overland people and one told me that
this changer work well with linux and mtx

i guess then you should begin by trying to make mtx work on your
solaris machine with your autoloader

You can get it at the following url

That s the first step

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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