Hello Amanda Users,

I describe my problem below and need your suggestions:

The environment:

        I have compiled amanda 2.4.2p2 on a Sun Ultra with RedHat
        Linux 6.2. This has a Quantum DLT 4000 tape unit attached
        and is our server.

        I have installed amanda (version same as on the server) on
        HP-UX 10.20, Solaris 2.6, and RedHat 7.1 (on x86) platforms.
        These are intended to be the client systems.

        On the server, the amanda is compiled with amanda as the
        userid and disk as the group id.

The problem:

        On x86 based RedHat 7.1 clients, the amanda user is amanda
        and group is disk. With this, I am able to backup files
        onto the tape unit. But this needs "chmod o+x" for all
        files/directories to be backed up.

        On Solaris, I create a userid amanda and put it into the
        group 0. I am unable to backup file systems because the
        user amanda has no access to files owned by other users.

        On HP-UX, the userid is amanda and the group is sys. Again,
        I fail to backup full filesystems.

        The above results are as per the UNIX file ownerships and
        access rights. The user amanda can only read the files and
        directories it is permitted to. Nothing new about that. On
        the other hand I donot want to make root as the amanda user
        because of security issues.

My question is which userid and groupid I should choose so that
I can backup files belonging to users ? I have seen postings from
other people using Linux, HP, Solaris, and Windows (via SAMBA) as
client systems. I would really appreciate if they can share their
experiences with me.

Please reply to me directly as this may not be of general interest.
I will post a summary of answers I get.

Thanks for your time.


| Ajit K. Jena                      Phone :                       |
|                                     Office +91-22-5767751       |
| Computer Centre                            +91-22-5722545 x8750 |
| Indian Institute of Technology      Home   +91-22-5722545 x8068 |
| POWAI, Bombay                     Fax   :        +91-22-5723894 |
| PIN 400076, India                 Email :    [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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