On 18 Dec 01 at 13:52 you wrote:

> Unfortunately, I don't control the firewall, I have to just tell the
> folks who do exactly what I need. So far, I've told them I need the
> following ports opened:
> 10080/udp
> 10082/tcp
> 10083/tcp

Actually, you need more than that. In addition to these ports you 
also need a range of TCP ports through which the actual backup 
image is transferred. ISTR that one 'sendbackup' process needs 3 
TCP ports, so if your 'inparallel' setting in config file is, say, 
4, you need a range of 12 TCP ports.

You also need to compile amanda with the --with-portrange option to 
make it use the ports you specify, otherwise it picks random ports.

I have done it with 2.4.2p2 and it works. 

There is an excellent writeup somewhere in the amanda-hackers list 
archive, titled "How Amanda uses UDP and TCP ports", dated 
23.07.2001, by John R. Jackson, which explains all this thoroughly.

Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Boy, that lightning came a little clo-********!!*******NO CARRIER

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