On 15 Feb 2002 at 6:52am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

> I am a new amanda user and have been very pleased with the first few
> days of using amanda.  I wonder however if it is normal procedure to
> keep a copy of the config, index, log files etc on another machine in
> addition to the tape server in case the tape server disk crashes.  In my
> installation, they seem to be somewhat scattered in /etc,
> /usr/local/etc/amanda, /var/lib/amanda, possibly other directories...
> Is there a procedure for doing this?
I can't speak for everybody, but I certainly keep copies of that stuff.  
What I do is have cron run a script rather than just amdump.  After the 
amdumps have run (I run two configs a night), I run these commands:

tar czf ~/confs.tar.gz /etc/amanda* /usr/local/etc/amanda       \
/usr/local/adm/amanda /usr/local/var/amanda 2> /dev/null
cp confs.tar.gz /data/amanda

The first creates a tarball of all the amanda config and state 
information, and puts this in the amanda user's home directory, which is 
backed up.  The second copies it to our NFS-served RAID (which is also 
backed up).

You could also use password-less scp to move the tarball about.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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