
I have a setup of two machines:
1. Backup server: Amanda 2.4.2p1 running on FreeBSD 4.3
2. Webserver: Amanda 2.4.2p2 running on Linux 2.4.12 (Slackware 8)

The backup server backs up itself and the webserver. Backups are 
done with dump. I have two Amanda configurations defined, DAILY 
(runs Mon-Thu) and WEEKLY (runs Fri). The configurations are 
essentially similar, only using different sets of tapes.

I can see no problems with DAILY backups, but for some reason 
amrecover doesn't "see" older WEEKLY backups.

Allow me to illustrate this with an example:

kuller# amrecover -C WEEKLY
AMRECOVER Version 2.4.2p1. Contacting server on kuller.raad.tartu.ee
220 kuller AMANDA index server (2.4.2p1) ready. 
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2002-02-25) 
200 Working date set to 2002-02-25. 
200 Config set to WEEKLY. 
200 Dump host set to kuller.raad.tartu.ee. 
$CWD '/mirror01/usr/home/toomas' is on disk '/mirror01' mounted at 
200 Disk set to /mirror01. 
WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man-page! 
amrecover> sethost heerold.raad.tartu.ee 
200 Dump host set to heerold.raad.tartu.ee. 
amrecover> setdisk / 
200 Disk set to /. 
amrecover> history 
200- Dump history for config "WEEKLY" host "heerold.raad.tartu.ee" 
disk "/" 
201- 2002-02-22 0 NADAL03 5 
200 Dump history for config "WEEKLY" host "heerold.raad.tartu.ee" 
disk "/"

As you can see, the only backup present in 'history' is the latest 
one (from 2002-02-22). However, the directory where indexes are 
kept contains more files:

-rw-------  1 amanda  wheel  25574 Jan 18 22:07 20020118_0.gz
-rw-------  1 amanda  wheel  25737 Jan 25 22:07 20020125_0.gz
-rw-------  1 amanda  wheel  25752 Feb  2 14:07 20020201_0.gz
-rw-------  1 amanda  wheel  25796 Feb  8 22:10 20020208_0.gz
-rw-------  1 amanda  wheel  25919 Feb 22 22:12 20020222_0.gz

And the tapelist is:

20020222 WEEKLY03 reuse
20020215 WEEKLY02 reuse
20020208 WEEKLY05 reuse
20020201 WEEKLY04 reuse
20011019 WEEKLY01 no-reuse

>From this it seems that backup history exists at least for 
2002-02-01 and 2002-02-08. Why doesn't amrecover see these indexes?
Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?

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