
Previously, I wrote:

> I can see no problems with DAILY backups, but for some reason
> amrecover doesn't "see" older WEEKLY backups.


The problem turned out to be missing log files. I was initially 
baffled because the *index* files were present and I didn't realize 
that logfiles are also needed for restoring.

Fortunately, I found the necessary logfiles under oldlog 
subdirectory in amanda log directory :-) After copying the log to 
Amanda's log directory, the problem was solved.

I tried to find out who or what moves older logfiles from log 
directory to oldlog directory, but this far I haven't succeeded. I 
suspect that since I have two different backup configurations 
running with same log directory, the DAILY backup process decides 
that previous weeks' WEEKLY backups are 'old' and moves the logs to 
oldlog directory (thank god it doesn't delete them!). I'll try 
using separate log directories for separate configs in the future.

Special thanks to  Bernhard R. Erdmann for helping to track down 
the problem.
Toomas Aas | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.raad.tartu.ee/~toomas/
* Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?

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