On Tuesday 26 March 2002 01:27 pm, Jesús Moya wrote:
>Yes, but my holding-disk has 3500 Mb. The backups are 7-8 Gb.
> This won't work. Is there a method for starting a cycle when i
> want????

Sure, you can 'su amanda' and run an amdump from a shell, no 
problem that I can see.

I suppose one could shut the cron job down by adding a leading 
comment for the days off to that line in your 'crontab -e'.

Amanda can be a strong willed girl though, and may insist on 
doing more than one tape full when restarted after the holiday, 
her way of trying to keep up.

Otoh, she will also attempt to spread the backups out so that a 
full of that disklist entry doesn't correspond to doing a full on 
every other entry in your disklist.  This is a roundabout way of 
saying that amanda doesn't like to be disturbed.  However, with 
no one there to change tapes, the choice is to just shut it off 
in the crontab for the holidays.

One thing you should be aware of is that no single entry in your 
disklist should exceed the size of the storage media.  If that 
condition is met, then its a simple matter of  amanda bugging you 
via email for a fresh tape.  But then you probably knew that. :)

At the price of disk storage today, holding disks of >35gigs are 
$100 USD for the 5400 rpm models which are still faster than the 
tape by orders of magnitude.  And thats at least as good an 
insurance policy as the tapes.  Use that 3.5 gigger for a swap 
partition until it falls over.

>Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
>>On Tue, 26 Mar 2002 at 12:06pm, Jesús Moya wrote
>>>Hi!. I have a question about backup cycles in amanda. We have
>>> a  one week dumpcycle, with 5 tapes (one per day) and with 5
>>> runs of amdump. But this week in my country there are two
>>> holiday days, Thursday and Friday. We aren't going to make a
>>> backup these two days. Then, the next Monday, amanda demands
>>> the fourth tape???. Or we can use the first tape and start a
>>> new amdump cycle?
>>Why not just let amdump run (with no tape) on the holidays? 
>> Then, run amflush Monday morning and keep going.

Cheers, Gene
AMD K6-III@500mhz 320M
Athlon1600XP@1400mhz  512M
98.7+% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a hillbilly

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