according to the tar docs, the --listed-incremental will check on the
files listed in the file if the incremental file is not empty. I suppose
the listed-incremental file got filled during the sendsize proceedure?! 

During the sendbackup step, tar is apparently going through and checking
the list, as no data is being transmitted while tar is doing this check.
with a dtimeout of 30 minutes, i would get this unexpected timeout. 

Is this how its suppose to work for a level 0 dump? ( 4 hours
(wall-time) sendsize, ~4hours (wall-time) incremental check, and finally
the transfer of the data ( i suppose longer that 4 hours )) Is this how
it will work with other level dumps ( with the exception of the transfer
of data step) ?


10690 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/libexec/sendbackup
10691 ?        S      0:00 /usr/local/libexec/sendbackup
10692 ?        D      1:37 gtar --create --file - --directory /mnt/hdg3
--one-file-system --listed-incremental /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar
10693 ?        S      0:00 sh -c /bin/gtar -tf - 2>/dev/null | sed -e
10694 ?        S      0:01 /bin/gtar -tf - PWD=/tmp/amanda HOSTNAME=LX
MACHTYPE=alpha-redhat-linux-gnu SHLVL=1 SHELL=/bin/bash HOSTTYPE=alp
10695 ?        S      0:00 sed -e s/^\.// PWD=/tmp/amanda HOSTNAME=LX
MACHTYPE=alpha-redhat-linux-gnu SHLVL=1 SHELL=/bin/bash HOSTTYPE=alph

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