
Encryption is possible via gnupg and gzip.

Please read the info at the the following url:


I am in the process of writting a document to cover this.  It is about 90%
done and is not up to date with 2.4.3.  ( I dont know if there are any
differences with 2.4.3, I assume none)  If you would like I can forward
you what I have.  Its info is complete but it needs to be proof read
again, so understand its not perfect.

I am currently running this setup and love it.  It has not messed up on
me once.


On Mon, 22 Apr 2002, Chad Morland wrote:

> I was wondering if it is possible to encrypt the traffic that amanda
> sends over a network. I have data that I need to backup and some of the
> data will have to travel over the public internet. Because this data
> contains sensitive information I do not want the data to be sent
> unencrypted. Has anyone configured amanda to use SSL/TLS or even SSH?
> Thanks.
> -CM

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