On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 at 9:58am, walter valenti wrote

> We are thinking to organize the backup as:
> every day at midnight with a cron comes launch the backup. The backup 
> comes made on hard-disk (scsi with raid), and once to the week on a tape.
> It's possible with AMANDA.

Yep -- you have two options.  Using version 2.4.2p2, you can just not put 
in a tape and amanda will perform backups to holding disk in "degraded" 
mode.  You'll have to lower the reserve parameter in amanda.conf to make 
sure you get level 0s in degraded mode.

Option 2 is to use 2.4.3b3 (b is for beta) and its file: driver for 
direct-to-disk backups.  See the amanda(8) man page for more details on 
that one.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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