<comments about line length, spam, posting policies, and HTML deleted>

Some general observations on this and previous related threads:

Amanda is free software.
The amanda-users mailing list is free.
Someone (not me) administers the list and pays for it.
When someone gets something for free, they can suggest changes to the
   person(s) responsible for providing it.
The person(s) giving things away are not obligated to make any requested
   changes, but may if they choose, and public opinion may or may not be
   a factor in that decision.
If suggestions aren't taken, accept the fact that not everyone's opinions
   and priorities are the same.
Everything in life has pros and cons, mailing lists are no exception.
No list will fit everyone's needs. Subscribe to the one's that best fit
   your needs, unsubscribe from the ones that don't.
If anyone knows how to run the perfect mailing list, they should start
   one and show the world how its done.


Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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