Kablan BOGNINI wrote:

>I am using HP DDS-3 tapes for my backup. I've tried to
>get the correct values for my tape. But tapetype gives
>this result:
>define tapetype HP-DDS3-DAT {
>    comment "just produced by tapetype program"
>    length 9860 mbytes
>    filemark 0 kbytes
>    speed 840 kps
>I think this is not correct because I've a DDS-3 125M
>tape with 12GB.
>Could someone give me more accurate values for this
>tape or point me to doc ?
>Thanks in advance.
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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you have hardware compression turned 
on...as any search through the archives will state, "turn if off and 
leave it off".  Software compression will most likely give you more than 
the tape advertises (just ask Gene).  If you are running linux, run "mt 
-f /dev/tapedevice compression 0" .  If you still get the same result 
you may have to play with data density settings for the drive which will 
require perusing the manuals.


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