I have a strange problem with amanda

my server is a Redhat linux 7.3 machine with amanda 2.4.3b3
my client is a redhat7.3 machine with a stock amanda package from redhat
version 2.4.2p2

In my report for this client some backup work and some don't

I got the message 
could not connect to molure for some of the partition.

Indeed when i ran amcheck this machine coul'nt be check and i got the
same message.

When i log on this machine all is running except the fact than xinetd 
didn't spawn the amandad process.

when i do a ps i found an amandad process

15933 ?        Z      0:00 [amandad <defunct>]

this process is a son of the xinetd process

but when i look at amandad file related to this process all seems ok

Here is the end of this file

got packet:
Amanda 2.4 REQ HANDLE 000-F8B70708 SEQ 1031857221
SERVICE sendbackup
OPTIONS hostname=molure;
GNUTAR /var/spool/imap13 0 1970:1:1:0:0:0 OPTIONS 

sending ack:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-F8B70708 SEQ 1031857221

bsd security: remote host backup.int-evry.fr user dumpy local user amanda
amandahosts security check passed
amandad: running service "/usr/lib/amanda/sendbackup"
amandad: sending REP packet:
Amanda 2.4 REP HANDLE 000-F8B70708 SEQ 1031857221
CONNECT DATA 57421 MESG 57422 INDEX 57423
OPTIONS ;compress-fast;bsd-auth;index;

amandad: got packet:
Amanda 2.4 ACK HANDLE 000-F8B70708 SEQ 1031857221

amandad: pid 15933 finish time Thu Sep 12 22:17:32 2002

But the prcess stuck seems to prevent the launch of the following backup 
of different partition on the same machine?

if i restart xinetd all run fine again 
but at the next backup i got again this problem.

Has someone already seen that kind of problem?

Thanks in advance for any help

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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