--On Friday, September 20, 2002 22:35:33 -0500 Neil 

> Hi guys, 
> Looks like my amanda is getting better. :) 
> Take a look at the email report that amanda sent me.
> http://restricted.dyndns.org/amandareport.txt 
> And here is my new amanda.conf.
> http://restricted.dyndns.org/amanda.conf 
> And here is my new disklist.
> http://restricted.dyndns.org/disklist.txt 
> I only have 1 tape HP DDS-2. Then I wanted to do a full backup of my whole freebsd 
>system everyday at 11pm. 
> Since it's just 1 tape, is it alright if I configured my device in amanda.conf as 
>/dev/nrsa0 (non-rewinding)? 
> Please comment on my amanda.conf. 
> Thank you in advance. 
> Neil 

If you really want to do what you're saying, your dumpcycle should be
1 day, not 1 week.

If at all possible, get more tapes. Every time you start your backup
you are destroying the only backup you have. If some files get
deleted or corrupted and you don't notice it before 11pm on the day
it happens, you won't be able to recover.  If you ever get a tape
error you have no backup. 


Frank Smith                                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Administrator                                     Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                             Fax: 512-374-4501

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