Some OSs like AIX can span tapes using their version
of tar by manually asking to mount another volume... I
am not sure if you need to do this on a regular basis
or just as a one time deal.

If one time deal and you have the avail disk space use
split to break it into as many pieces as you need and
cat or join to bring it back together when you need to

Or you can get a tape drive like the M2 drives from
exabyte that handle 60GB native 150GB compressed
(varies depending on type of data).

Is this database data or text files? or what?

--- Chad Morland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to backup a 100G file onto tape. I am
> wondering if I can use
> amanda for this. Will it span the archive across
> more than one tape? I
> am using a DLT 7000 drive. If not, what are you
> recommendations?
> -CM

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