>amrecover will in my setup make a completely wrong guess about what disk

>to consider at startup in most cases. The example output included below
>should illustrate the problem; /usr/freeware/apache is not on the /u
>filesystem, and it has a separate disklist entry. Any ideas what is
>$CWD '/usr/freeware/apache' is on disk '/u' mounted at '/u'.

So where is it mounted?

What happens if you run "df -k /usr/freeware/apache"?
It's part of the root filesystem;

# df -k /usr/freeware/apache
Filesystem Type kbytes use avail %use Mounted on
/dev/root xfs 16727944 4923500 11804444 30 /

From Amanda's viewpoint it's a separate entity, though, like I said; it has it's own DLE backed up using GNUTAR.

What is the output for "mount" (with no args it lists your mount table).
# mount
/dev/root on / type xfs (rw,raw=/dev/rroot)
/hw on /hw type hwgfs (rw)
/proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/fd on /dev/fd type fd (rw)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol2 on /scanner type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks2d11s7 on /dumps type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks2d14s7 on /u2 type xfs (0)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol3 on /scanner2 type xfs (0)
/dev/dsk/dks0d5s7 on /u type xfs (quota)
/dev/xlv/stripedvol1 on /scanner3 type xfs (0)
linuxdoc:/usr/share/doc on /usr/doc-linux type nfs (vers=2,rw,intr,bg,dev=180000)
raid1:/imgproc on /imgproc type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140002)
imgproc:/imgproc2 on /imgproc2 type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140001)
imgproc:/imgproc3 on /imgproc3 type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140003)
raid2:/scanner4 on /scanner4 type nfs (vers=2,rw,intr,bg,dev=180001)
localhost:/var/www on /var/www-server type nfs (vers=3,rw,intr,bg,dev=140004)
What's in /tmp/amanda/amrecover*.debug?  There should be some lines
referring to "guess_disk".
I don't see any. The complete contents (which don't make a lot of sense to me) is included below. The following few lines from amindexd.*.debug may explain a lot, though:

OISD sr/freeware/apache
f /dumps/amanda/ks/index/fileserv/_u/20030102_0
< 500 "sr/freeware/apache" is an invalid directory

File amrecover.20030106084800.debug:

amrecover: debug 1 pid 27890309 ruid 0 euid 0 start time Mon Jan 6 08:48:00 2003
amrecover: stream_client: connected to
amrecover: stream_client: our side is
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/."
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-hhe/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-jfo/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-paal/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.Trash-root/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.amanda.excludes"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/.nautilus-metafile.xml"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/CVS/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/KENmaster/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/dist/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/ent"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/fax/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/ftp/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/laptoptest.aw"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/logo/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/lost+found/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/mail/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/marketing/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/marketing2/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/test/"
add_dir_list_item: Adding "2003-01-02" "0" "Tor-3" "/www.kscanners.com.key"

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