Hello everyone,

When I attempt to use amlabel to label a tape on a Tandberg/Quantum
SDLT 220, it produces the following error:

[amanda@Jupiter amanda]$ amlabel -f DailySet1 DailySet100
rewinding, reading label, reading label: Value too large for defined data type
rewinding, writing label DailySet100, checking label
amlabel: reading label: Value too large for defined data type

On the same tape, (after a mt rewind), I attempted a dump/restore check to
the same tape on the same drive:

[root@Jupiter amanda]# dump -0u -a -f /dev/nst0 -L "Jupiter:/" /
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Jan 28 11:56:00 2003
  DUMP: Dumping /dev/sda5 (/) to /dev/nst0
  DUMP: Added inode 7 to exclude list (resize inode)
  DUMP: Label: Jupiter:/
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 81489 tape blocks.
  DUMP: Volume 1 started with block 1 at: Tue Jan 28 11:56:01 2003
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: dumping (Pass IV) [regular files]
  DUMP: Closing /dev/nst0
  DUMP: Volume 1 completed at: Tue Jan 28 11:56:17 2003
  DUMP: Volume 1 82180 tape blocks (80.25MB)
  DUMP: Volume 1 took 0:00:16
  DUMP: Volume 1 transfer rate: 5136 kB/s
  DUMP: 82180 tape blocks (80.25MB) on 1 volume(s)
  DUMP: finished in 14 seconds, throughput 5870 kBytes/sec
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Jan 28 11:56:00 2003
  DUMP: Date this dump completed:  Tue Jan 28 11:56:17 2003
  DUMP: Average transfer rate: 5136 kB/s
[root@Jupiter amanda]# restore -C -D / -f /dev/st0
restore: Tape read error on first record
restore interrupted, continue? [yn] n
[root@Jupiter amanda]# mt rewind
[root@Jupiter amanda]# restore -C -D / -f /dev/nst0
Dump   date: Tue Jan 28 11:56:00 2003
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 0 dump of / on Jupiter:/dev/sda5
Label: Jupiter:/
filesys = /
./etc/dumpdates: tape and disk copies are different
Some files were modified!
[root@Jupiter amanda]# mt rewind

Then, i went back to the amanda user, and attempted amlabel and got the
same results:

[amanda@Jupiter amanda]$ amlabel -f DailySet1 DailySet100
rewinding, reading label, reading label: Value too large for defined data type
rewinding, writing label DailySet100, checking label
amlabel: reading label: Value too large for defined data type

Just to be sure, the amanda:backup user has read/write access to /dev/nst0:

[amanda@Jupiter amanda]$ ls -l /dev/tape /dev/nst0
crw-rw----    1 root     backup     9, 128 Apr 11  2002 /dev/nst0
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jan  3 12:34 /dev/tape -> nst0

...and the tape definition that I use for the SDLT 220 is:
tapetype SDLT220        # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)

define tapetype SDLT220 {
    comment "Tandberg SDLT-220"
    length 96868 mbytes
    filemark 0 kbytes
    speed 9142 kps

Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried google searching to no avail...

Thanks in advance for all of your help,

Tim Souder

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