>>>>> "lw" == lone wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

lw> 2) Has anyone used the SDLT 320 drives w/ Amanda?  I searched the
lw> group archives and didn't get much from them on these drives, same
lw> with the FAQ (tape-info would be nice for these drives).

I have an SDLT220 drive; it works just fine.  The only issue I have is
with compression: I do software compression but I can't seem to get
the drive to turn off its internal compression properly.  This seems
to result in erratic tape capacity.

lw> 3) I am planning on using a Linux box (running RedHat 8.0) with
lw> sufficient power to do software compression.

Well, I back up a couple of terabytes of disk to a single SDLT220
drive without problems; the dumps can sometimes take six hours or so
but they're always finished by the morning.

 - J<

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