On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I have seen a number of suggetstions that it is
> possible to configure the rait driver to mirror
> backups to disk and tape. I have tried
> unsuccessfully to get this going for a while now.
> Is there anyone out there that has this going that
> can post their exact config and procedures?
> I am running amanda-2.4.3 on a Sun Solaris server,
> with a sigle tape drive - no changer :-( and I want
> to duplicate the backups to a local disk (for in
> house backups and offsites).
> I have successfully configured both backups to tape
> and backups to disk separately, but not to both with
> the rait driver.

So that means you should have 2 configs, which when diff-ed,
yeild something like:

> tapedev "tape:/foo"
< tapedev "file:/bar"

for suitable values foo and bar.

What you then want is a config, like those two, whose tapedev
line looks like:

 tapedev "rait:{tape:/foo,file:/bar}"


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