On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 at 11:05am, Ralph Bearpark wrote

> > Remember, you can always split up your 
> > filesystems into multiple disklist entries using tar.  Then you could 
> > reduce your tapelength to have *just enough* to fit everything once.
> Hmm, dividing my clients into multiple DLEs that I hope will never exceed 
> 600MB ... that's an ugly concept.
> I assume that Amanda is clever enough to not try to put, say, two 500MB 
> DLE backups on a single 600MB tape?

Yep.  Amanda gets estimates for all the DLEs at multiple incremental 
levels, and figures out the "best" thing to do within the tapelength it 

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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