On Tue, Mar 11, 2003 at 09:13:33AM -0800, John Oliver wrote:
> Is there a way to make amanda use a tape other than what it's expecting?

Yes.  You can muck about in tapelist and change the last-used date of
a tape.  amanda will always ask for the oldest (ties go to the tape
listed farthest down).

> I have 15 tapes labelled 1 through 15.  Last nights' backup failed
> because it was expecting tape number 15, but tape number one was in the
> drive.  I'd like to be able to flush that backup to tape number one.

Are you sure that you want to overwrite a tape that isn't the oldest?
Really, really sure?  Why?  It very, very rarely makes sense to throw out
more recent data in order to preserve an older backup.  You'll almost
certainly be better off just giving amanda the tape she asks for and
not worrying about it.

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