On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

We are a french university and we use amanda to backup our unix system.

here is our configuration.

library DLT1 with 10 slots
650Go of backup with 70 hosts
our server is a dell poweredge 1650 with a Gigabit Card.

> Can anyone tell me if they use amanda and are a large commercial company
> (> 250 employees), a hospital or a university and if so how much it's
> used (whole institution, small department, single server etc). How many
> Gb do you back up (don't answer that if you feel its confidential, or
> you don't know). 
> I don't work in computer support but are aware there is a talk of buying
> a Veritas backup package at academic discount (around 800 UK pounds or
> $1300). I wanted to know if amanda would be a viable option. I guess
> there are going to be issues bought up about support, stability, the
> importance of backups etc. I'd like to know of big organistations using
> the software and if they have compared it to Veritas. 
> I looked at using amanda once for my home computer (Sun Ultra 80, about
> 200 Gb of disk space over 4/5 drives, 40 Gb tape drive), but decided
> that for such a small system, a couple of unix shell scripts run by cron
> was all I needed, so never bothered using amanda. I know shell scripts
> are currently used here but we intend expanding the disk space by quite
> a lot. 
> So basically:
> a) I know little about amanda
> b) Have no intention of using it myself for my home computer, but wonder
> if its a variable option in a university department (~100 staff).
> Dr. David Kirkby PhD,
> Senior Research Fellow,
> Department of Medical Physics,
> University College London,
> 11-20 Capper St, London, WC1E 6JA.
> Tel: 020 7679 6408 Fax: 020 7679 6269
> Internal telephone: ext 46408
> e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> Web page: http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/~davek

Eric Doutreleau
I.N.T                   | Tel   : +33 (0) 160764687
9 rue Charles Fourier   | Fax   : +33 (0) 160764321
91011 Evry   France     | email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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