One of the things that might help is to limit majordomo's who access to list members. I have tried this from a yahoo account, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is happy to supply me with a list of all subscribers to the amanda-users list. I suppose it would do so for the other lists as well. I see no reason why anyone should get the list of subscribers, especially not someone who does not even subscribe. I speak from experience; I once set up a list without restricting who-access for a company-internal list, and that list got spammed. No one on the outside could subscribe, but they could get the list of subscribers.

BTW, this is my first post to this list, so my e-mail address would probably not have been in any archive. And yes, I too I noticed a marked increase in all kinds of spam, even in Turkish (which I do not understand, but can identify) since I subscribed to this list.

So, please deny who-access, at least to those not on the list. It might help reduce spam, at least for new subscribers. Those who have previously subscribed are probably in the spammers' databases already...

Thank you,

At 07:11 20-03-03, Albert Hopkins wrote:
The amanda mailing lists are, to the best of my knowledge, archived and
available on the web.  So basically if you can parse email addresses out
of HTML documents on the web then it's easy to get spam once you post to
an archived mailing list.  It comes with the territory.

The U.S. military should be able to deal with the realities of spam.  I
can't see that they can just turn their backs and pretend that their
users are not going to get spammed at some point, especially if they're
using public Internet email addresses.


On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 08:21, Seth, Wayne (Contractor) wrote:
> Joshua,
> The spam comes both ways.  In all cases so far, the message part is in
> several foreign languages, so probably not from one source.  My feeling is
> that somehow the spammers have gotten into to amanda user-list database and
> are using it directly.
> Wayne Seth
> COE Lab Manager
> 520-538-0110

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