On Thu March 20 2003 12:01, Martinez, Michael - CSREES/ISTM wrote:
>> So unsubscribe.
>Probably the "amanda" people would not appreciate that statement.

At risk of adding fuel to this current out of control wildfire, I'm 
not an 'amanda' author if thats what you mean, but I am an 'amanda' 
user, and I fully understand that this is a 100% volunteer effort.  
No one can post to this list who is not subscribed unless it does 
clear the list owners scrutiny.  I know, I've argued my way past 
that a time or two while I was changing addresses and such.

AFAIK, the listserver is not an open relay, or it would find itself 
on the various rbl listers pages very quickly.

This means that either the stuff is coming to you directly, which 
this list cannot do one thing about, and that the address was 
harvested from the lists archives which are as a matter of policy, 
freely readable by the public.

I don't personally use spamassasin, so I get a rather large amount 
of it if I haven't updated my filters recently, and its a tossup 
right now as I catch up on a weeks absence and something over 1500 
messages in the inbox, what my percentage of 'catching' it was.  
I'm tired and would guess that more than 25% got by the filters I 
use here with kmail on a linux box.

In short, if your network people cannot seem to grasp the concept of 
a mail filter, beit spamassasin or whatever might be available for 
your platform (& I also understand that you may not have any choice 
there also), and they cannot accept the fact that some unwanted 
spam IS going to find its way into your inbox, then your only 
alternative is to unsubscribe, and then shut the machine down since
unsubscribing will not at this point in time effect the amount of 
spam you get for several weeks, possibly much longer.

There is much good information here, information that can make your 
job if its amanda related, go much more smoothly and effortlessly.

If TPTB insist that there is a zero incoming spam tolerance, and 
would use forensic tools on the hard drive to enforce something 
that neither of us has any great amount of power over other than 
using the quite readily available filtering tools, then they are 
IMNSHO, cutting off their nose because they don't like what the 
mirror is showing them.  That will be their loss, and I for one 
will not issue a single syllable in favor of closeing this lists 
archives, or of instituting any other procedure that will prevent 
the open and spontainious, occasionally even off-topic, discussions 
that take place here.

In other words, AFAIAC you can either unsubscribe and sledgehammer 
the hard drive, or you can install the freely available filters, 
and in this case one of those over-write it a hundred times from 
/dev/urandom, anything that shows up to be deleted thingies.  There 
are, after all, secure delete tools available for nearly all intel 
based systems, and for many of the m68k and ppc based systems...

>> > Also, you may find yourself with legal problems if you
>> > allow someone to post illegal material to your list.
>> Oh please, what are you trying to threaten people because
>> you can't be bothered to filter your own email? Why don't we
>> just censor all information.  That way we'll all have more
>> freedom, right?
>I'm looking at it from the perspective that you can get sued if
> you don't take care to make reasonable precautions to protect the
> information that comes off your server from containing illegal
> content.
>> Moderated lists create an undue burden on these people that
>> are just volunteers, and slow down the discussions.
>Every other list I subscribe to is moderated.

Thats your problem.  One thing you wouldn't see on such a list is a 
free discussion of this problem such as you are seeing here and 
now.  Go read our Bill of Rights, particularly the first 2.  It can 
be Very Educational...

Tell ya what, if this list is so important to you, why don't you 
setup a subserver thats subscribed to this list, and delegate about 
5 or 6 full time folks to moderate whats allowed thru it to you as 
a subscriber to this 'relay' server.

What, you don't have the resources to do that?  Neither do we, and 
thats not about to change unless some corporate sponser comes up 
with about $150k/annum to fund it.  That kind of money usually 
comes with strings, and I for one ain't no d****d puppet...


Cheers, Gene
99.24% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly

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