On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 10:02:30AM -0400, Jason Edgecombe wrote:
> Hi there,
>   I just got a new Overland Data Neo2000 LTO-2 30-tape library. I found 
> your post on creating barcode labels for tapes.
>   Does is matter what data the barcode contains. For example, can I 
> create a barcode that reads "DailySet1-01" through "DailySet1-30"
I'm not shure about the Overland drive but on our TLS-4480 it can be
just about anything (up to some max length that I don't know). Just try
printeing som labels put them on some tapes and try reading them using
'mtx status'. One thing that bit my (up to dumping SCSI packets and
decoding them by hand) was the need for checksums in the code39 labels
but it should be documented with your drive.
>   Do you know if the Avery L7656 labels will work with LTO2 tapes?
I have no clue, just use a ruler to measure the space on a tape and then
look in some label catalog for something fitting.


 jens persson         #    Good coding practice would accomplish this
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    #       goal, but good programming practice can
 Mäster Olofsväg 24   #   sometimes be in short supply, and mandatory
 S-224 66 LUND;SWEDEN #           discipline makes a fair substitute.
                      #                                  - Todd Lewis

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