In a message dated: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:25:39 EDT
Joshua Baker-LePain said:

>That's at FAQ-O-Matic (linked from the amanda home page, possibly down).

I attempted to search there, but didn't find it.  I'm also rather 
dismayed at the condition of the Amanda F-O-M.  It's been about 2 and 
a half years since I was last involved w/ amanda (it's an 
on-again,off-again relationship, but we keep coming back to each 
other ;)  And the state of of F-O-M then wasn't that great.  It needs 
some cleaning up (I'll gladly volunteer to do this if whomever is in 
charge of it will grant me the sufficient access).

>The thing to keep in mind, though, is that it's really your OS and other 
>tools (e.g. media changer (like mtx)) which drive compatibility.  Amanda, 
>when it comes down to it, is "just" a backup scheduler.

I'm aware of that.  I will be using Linux (Debian) with which I've 
had good luck in the past with when using Amanda.  However, LTO 
technology is new to me, and I've never used anything from Overland, 
so I figured I'd ask to see what kind of results others using amanda 
have had with this hardware.

>> Is there such a list, if so where?  If not, does anyone have anything 
>> good or bad to say about the Overland Storage PowerLoader?
>I've got a Library Pro with an AIT3 drive which worked out of the box on 
>Linux with mtx, barcodes and all.  Amanda works quite nicely with it, and 
>I've had no problems with the unit.  Nice box.

Great!  Thanks!  Once I get my hardware in and configured, I'll be 
sure to share my experiences :)

Thanks again!

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