I'm using amanda 2.4.4 on Solaris 9.

Until now I'd thought I'd properly configured to use up to 
two tapes in the jukebox for this amanda run, which is run
only 1/week (vs the other amanda config that runs 5x/week).

I'd thought the notice of "next 2 tapes" was confirmation that
I'd configured things ok, but now I have to question that.

I can include as much of the config as necessary but didn't
want to make the initial email too long.

Previous weeks (we've been doing this for about 6 months)
have always completed level 0 successfully for all partitions
and put the data on a single LTO tape in the jukebox.

Should a second tape have been written by amanda ?
If not, why the level 1 dumps.
If yes, why didn't it.

                                        thanks in advance,


   Brian R Cuttler                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

----- Forwarded message from Amanda at NNewton -----

These dumps were to tape NTNWKLY26.
The next 2 tapes Amanda expects to used are: NTNWKLY27, NTNWKLY01.

                          Total       Full      Daily
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:06
Run Time (hrs:min)        11:55
Dump Time (hrs:min)       12:38      12:31       0:06
Output Size (meg)      199870.1   199824.9       45.1
Original Size (meg)    199870.1   199824.9       45.1
Avg Compressed Size (%)     --         --         --    (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped           29         23          6   (1:6)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)      4501.5     4538.3      121.9

Tape Time (hrs:min)        2:56       2:56       0:00
Tape Size (meg)        199870.1   199824.9       45.2
Tape Used (%)             199.9      199.9        0.1   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped            29         23          6   (1:6)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s) 19384.4    19405.3     3360.5

  Label           Time      Size      %    Nb
  NTNWKLY26       2:56  199870.1  199.9    29

  driver: WARNING: /amanda/work: 73400320 KB requested, but only 69849607 KB available.
  planner: lyra /space 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 256212 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: nnewton /home12 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 296020 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: denali / 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 479901 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: denali /home9 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 893786 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: mira /home1 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 2976158 KB, full dump delayed]
  planner: panther / 20040228 0 [dumps too big, 3494817 KB, full dump delayed]
  taper: tape NTNWKLY26 kb 204667904 fm 29 [OK]

                                      DUMPER STATS                TAPER STATS 
------------------------ --------------------------------------- -------------
csserv  /              0   2587360   2587360   --    7:00 6161.3   4:42 9166.2
csserv  /opt           0   1610528   1610528   --    4:24 6096.2   1:18 20706.7
csserv  /source        0  17011680  17011680   --  117:09 2420.2  13:38 20786.9
csserv  /var/spool     0  19567776  19567776   --   47:44 6832.9  15:36 20904.9
denali  /              1       256       256   --    0:34    7.5   0:02  150.9
denali  /home9         1     40192     40192   --    0:53  763.5   0:07 5989.7
denali  /images        0    378112    378112   --    5:06 1233.8   0:24 15927.2
lyra    /              0   2017600   2017600   --    7:21 4579.7   1:17 26041.5
lyra    /db8           0  33198432  33198432   --  102:13 5413.4  24:26 22639.3
lyra    /db9           0  22964704  22964704   --   61:37 6212.3  14:21 26680.5
lyra    /ndevelop      0   3497152   3497152   --   25:30 2285.6   2:39 22013.4
lyra    /ndevelop2     0   4308224   4308224   --   12:41 5657.6   8:42 8255.1
lyra    /space         1      2944      2944   --    0:12  240.3   0:02 1708.3
mira    /              0   1248704   1248704   --   10:17 2022.9   0:44 28095.7
mira    /bkup-db       0   4487008   4487008   --   19:34 3821.4   4:05 18318.9
mira    /db4           0   3683456   3683456   --   26:44 2295.9   3:17 18714.0
mira    /home1         1        96        96   --    1:26    1.1   0:01   95.2
nnewton /              0   4566624   4566624   --   12:17 6194.9   4:42 16171.8
nnewton /home10        0   5307584   5307584   --   20:01 4419.5   6:32 13530.1
nnewton /home11        0   4981728   4981728   --   19:12 4323.2   5:42 14571.6
nnewton /home12        1      1280      1280   --    0:06  224.9   0:02  849.1
nnewton /home4         0  11666176  11666176   --   43:17 4492.0   8:50 22002.8
nnewton /nfsamba1      0   4250592   4250592   --   15:26 4588.3   5:02 14080.5
nnewton /nfsamba2      0   9654720   9654720   --   36:53 4363.3  10:02 16044.2
nnewton /nlocal        0   8296768   8296768   --   36:47 3758.8   7:26 18609.4
nnewton /usr3          0   5273568   5273568   --   18:52 4658.4   5:44 15351.7
nnewton /usr4          0  13658912  13658912   --   52:27 4340.8  10:55 20852.5
panther /              1      1451      1472   --    3:08    7.7   0:01 1318.3
panther /data          0  20403324  20403328   --   48:54 6954.0  15:40 21705.4

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.4)

----- End of forwarded message from Amanda at NNewton -----

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