Resolving IP address to a hostname (reverse lookup) is the part that looks broken, check the reverse domain in the DNS i.e.


The error says *hostname* lookup failed, not "address lookup failed." Someone else reported a similar problem a few days ago, and he reported that there was a typo in the reverse domain file of the DNS, and that fixing that fixed the problem.

I wonder though, Why does amanda need to do a reverse lookup? You give amanda a hostname in the DLE, and it looks up the IP address, which should be adequate for amanda to do what it needs to do. But then it tries to do a reverse lookup for the hostname based on the IP address, and gives up if that fails.

It would be nice if the reverse lookup could be avoided. In principle, yes, the reverse table in your DNS should be correct, but failing backup seems like an expensive DNS diagnostic.

planner: ERROR intrap: [addr hostname lookup failed]


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