Hi, David,

on Mittwoch, 17. März 2004 at 22:19 you wrote to amanda-users:

DW> On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 10:09:18PM +0100, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>>I have repeatedly (is that english really ...?) posted questions about
>>this on the samba-list without replies.

DW> Yes, "repeatedly" is a perfectly good English word, and you used it in
DW> an appropriate context.  :-}

Thanks a lot. As you may have guessed already, my mother-tongue is NOT
english, otherwise I would not have asked ...

If I am a bit tired, as I am right now after a long and exhausting
day, I am not so sure anymore about english grammar.

DW> [The language is a little too flexible for its own good sometimes -- to
DW> say nothing of the "good" of those who use it.  I am reminded of Victor
DW> Borge's line:  "It's *your* language; I'm just trying to *use* it!"]

This describes my usage of the english language pretty well
(at least in the context of mailing-lists ... ).

Thanks for the philosophical (doubts again ...) quote, maybe I come
back with another ... ;-)

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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