* Brian Cuttler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20040317 16:40]:
> IRIX 6.5.19
> Amanda 2.4.2p2
> I've installed gtar on a new amanda-server, a system that was
> never a client nor a server before. Currently its only client
> is itself. This server mounts /usr/local from another system
> (another IRIX system).
> gtar you ask ? .866 TBytes disk, xfsdump will not produce an
> output file that would untimately fit on the output tape (read
> Jukebox for 8 tapes with a single Quantum SDLT 320 drive, mtx
> is in play here).
> I don't know how to get amanda on the new system to find gtar, which
> was not available on the system I compiled amanda on ages ago.
> Is there an environmental variable or path I can set or do I
> need to recompile/reinstall, possibly affecting the old server
> and all of its clients ? (In which case I'll also move to the
> current release of amanda).

how did you compile amanda? 
Look in the amandad.debug file for GNUTAR.
Just create a symlink to wherever you installed gtar,
ie if you got gnutar from SGI freeware (/usr/freeware/bin/tar)
and amanda expects /usr/blah/tar, then just 
ln -s /usr/freeware/bin/tar /usr/blah/tar
should do the trick.


>                                               thanks,
>                                               Brian
> ---
>    Brian R Cuttler                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
>    Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
>    NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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That's how the light gets in.

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