--On Friday, March 19, 2004 18:00:01 +0000 Simon Lorenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a Solaris 8 system running Amanda that ginds to a hault when the
> backups are running. Amanda and the sub processes take all avliable CPU.
> This is dispite having compression set to none (using tape device). It is
> primarily the snedbackup, dumper and ufsrestore processes that are causing
> trhe issue.
> Any suggestions for stopping this would be much appreciated.
> load averages:  2.21,  2.21,  2.02
> 17:48:54
> 142 processes: 131 sleeping, 5 running, 1 zombie, 4 stopped, 1 on cpu
> CPU states:  0.0% idle, 13.7% user, 76.9% kernel,  9.3% iowait,  0.0% swap
> Memory: 768M real, 13M free, 729M swap in use, 3911M swap free

The part that looks odd to me is the high kernel CPU usage.  I would
expect to see mostly user and iowat usage while running the backups.
Are you backing up NFS or vxfs filesystems?  Both of those drivers use
kernel time, although I wouldn't expect the usage to be quite that high.
How many dumps are you running in parallel?  Perhaps reducing that number
would give you an overall speedup


>  10563 amanda     1  22    0 2232K  936K sleep    5:32 35.03% sendbackup
>  10476 amanda     1   0   19 2640K 1920K run      2:26 15.04% dumper
>  10568 amanda     1  32    0   11M 9928K sleep    1:49 12.55% ufsrestore
>  10572 amanda     1  48    0   11M 2864K run      0:47  5.20% ufsdump
>  10571 amanda     1  53    0   11M 2864K run      0:48  5.16% ufsdump
>  10573 amanda     1  48    0   11M 2872K run      0:47  4.64% ufsdump
>  10574 amanda     1  36    0   11M 3072K sleep    0:32  3.53% ufsdump
>  10570 amanda     1  48    0   11M 7520K sleep    0:20  1.89% ufsdump
>  10646 root       1  58    0 2104K 1208K cpu      0:01  0.35% top
> Simon

Frank Smith                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Systems Administrator                       Voice: 512-374-4673
Hoover's Online                                   Fax: 512-374-4501

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