We are having one bear of a time getting Amanda to work properly in this

    # uname -a
    Linux pluto 2.6.2-1-686-smp #1 SMP Thu Feb 19 23:32:17 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux

    (brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.4p2)

        define tapetype SuperDLT1 {
            comment "QUANTUM SuperDLT1"
            length  110000 mbytes
            filemark     0 kbytes
            speed     9100 kps

        These dumps were to tape PSSI.001.
        *** A TAPE ERROR OCCURRED: [[writing file: Input/output error]].
        Some dumps may have been left in the holding disk.
        Run amflush to flush them to tape.
        The next tape Amanda expects to use is: PSSI.002.
          pluto      /home/irv/DATA lev 0 FAILED [out of tape]

                                  Total       Full      Daily
                                --------   --------   --------
        Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:15
        Run Time (hrs:min)         1:03
        Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:32       0:25       0:07
        Output Size (meg)        3707.9     3687.9       19.9
        Original Size (meg)      3707.9     3687.9       20.0
        Avg Compressed Size (%)     3.3        --         3.3   (level:#disks ...)
        Filesystems Dumped            5          1          4   (1:4)
        Avg Dump Rate (k/s)      1978.8     2527.8       48.0
        Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:00       0:00       0:00
        Tape Size (meg)            19.9        0.0       19.9
        Tape Used (%)               0.0        0.0        0.0   (level:#disks ...)
        Filesystems Taped             4          0          4   (1:4)
        Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  4250.2        --      4250.2
        USAGE BY TAPE:
          Label          Time      Size      %    Nb
          PSSI.001       0:00      19.9    0.0     4
          planner: tapecycle (7) <= runspercycle (28)
          planner: Full dump of pluto:/home/irv/DATA promoted from 28 days ahead.
          taper: tape PSSI.001 kb 423136 fm 5 writing file: Input/output error
          driver: going into degraded mode because of tape error.
                                                     DUMPER STATS                 
        HOSTNAME     DISK             L  ORIG-KB   OUT-KB   COMP% MMM:SS    KB/s 
MMM:SS    KB/s
        ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 
        pluto        /home/irv/DATA   0  3776460  3776460     --   24:54  2527.8  
FAILED  ------
        pluto        /home/irv/SYS    1    10210    10210     --    1:58    86.3   
0:01  7440.1
        pluto        /home/irv/_ADMIN 1       30        2     6.7   0:01     1.9   
0:01     2.0
        pluto        /home/jen/SYS    1    10170    10170     --    5:05    33.3   
0:01  7109.4
        pluto        /home/jen/_ADMIN 1       30        2     6.7   0:01     1.5   
0:01     2.0

We have several Netware volumes mounted to this box via ncp, which are
then to be backed up to this Overland SuperDLT1 system.

There are other problems with amverify, and when we try to use more
DLE's; but, I'm hoping to solve this situation first, then move on to
the others.

What do you think?

Best Regards,

mds resource
Dare to fix things before they break . . .
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much
we think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . .

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