On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 07:11:51PM -0600, Glenn English wrote:
> tcpdump shows packets on loopback going to the amanda port, but no 
> response.

Hmm, "loopback" suggests that your disklist refers to the machine
in question as "localhost".  Try replacing that with its FQDN.
Mucho, mucho discussion in the list archives...

> I've removed and reinstalled the amanda package (Gentoo unmerge, emerge).

Just to forestall comments from others, let me remind folks that
this *does* involve compiling from source :-)  Umm, I gotta ask:
anything suspicious in the emerge log?

> Is there something I can do to get verbose debugging output 
> somewhere?

It should already exist.  Take a look at the debug files, in
/tmp/amanda by default, but you (or in this case, the ebuild)
might have configured them to go elsewhere.  Start with the
amandad.YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.debug files.


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
It must be said that they would have sounded better if the singer
wouldn't throw his fellow band members to the ground and toss the
drum kit around during songs.
        - Patrick Lenneau

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