Quoting "Stefan G. Weichinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi, Andreas,
> on Dienstag, 15. Juni 2004 at 09:29 you wrote to amanda-users:
> AS> Well, now I have created a user named amanda which has default group
> membership
> AS> disk and is also a member of users. Then I recompiled with user=amanda,
> AS> group=disk and installed.
> AS> I had som trouble to get it working but I eventually found out that when
> run
> AS> with xinetd this statement is needed "groups = yes".
> AS> All went well and the backup finished successful.
> Fine ;-)
> AS> Then I switched to my
> AS> identically compiled 2.6.6-rc2 kernel and it fails with the same error as
> earlier:
> AS> These dumps were to tape dflt10.
> AS> The next tape Amanda expects to use is: dflt11.
> AS> The next new tape already labelled is: dflt12.
> AS>   zappa.zapp /imagelib lev 1 FAILED [bad CONNECT response]
> AS>   zappa.zapp /boot lev 0 FAILED 20040615[could not connect to
> zappa.zappa.cx]
> AS>   zappa.zapp /home/sunkan lev 1 FAILED 20040615[could not connect to
> zappa.zappa.cx]
> AS>   zappa.zapp /var lev 1 FAILED 20040615[could not connect to
> zappa.zappa.cx]
> AS>   zappa.zapp / lev 0 FAILED 20040615[could not connect to
> zappa.zappa.cx]
> AS>   zappa.zapp /home/emelie lev 0 FAILED 20040615[could not connect to
> zappa.zappa.cx]
> AS>   zappa.zapp /apps lev 0 FAILED [bad CONNECT response]
> AS> So I tarred up the /tmp/amanda dir and put it at
> AS> ftp://zappa.cx/pub/amanda-zappa.cx.tar.gz if anyone wants to take a look
> at it.
> AS> This is the complete failed session and nothing else.
> AS> Thanks for the help and pointers so far everyone.
> I think you just run out of tcp-ports. I don't know exactly if that is
> kernel-related but you could try to reconfigure amanda with the
> options:
> --with-tcpportrange=50000,50040 --with-udpportrange=890,899
> (Substitute with your preferred port-numbers)
> This would specify the range to use and rule out any differences that
> might occur in handling this between kernel-releases. I have these
> options in my amanda-configure-script for quite a time now and never
> hit these problems with any 2.6-kernel.
> You could also read the docs/PORT-USAGE document for more infos on
> port-handling.
> Give it a try and let us know.

Compiling now.. will send info later. Thanks for your time.


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