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On Tuesday, 31.08.2004 at 10:42 -0400, Joe Konecny wrote:

> Right now I back up my Netware server with Arcserve to a single tape.
> I have 10 tapes.  The system is set up to accept any tape and run a
> full backup.  What we do is keep the tapes in rotation and if someone
> forgets to bring a tape back from off site it is no big deal we just
> use the next one.  Arcserve assigns each tape a new ID when it uses
> it.  We write the date of the backup on the case of each tape.  If a
> restore is needed we figure out what date we want and insert the tape.
> Arcserve will tell us the tape ID and then we can restore from that
> session.  Now I'm switching to FreeBSD and have a working Amanda
> install with 10 tapes.  I have yet to configure the cycle, etc... as
> I'm not sure how to make it work like Arcserve did.  Can Amanda be
> made to work like that?

Won't comment specifically for your case but most questions of "Can
Amanda be made to work like that?" are normally not the right thing to

Find out how AMANDA actually *does* it and then fit in with its way of
doing things.  AMANDA is good at scheduling backups.

- -- 
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
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