--On Monday, October 11, 2004 10:45 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm confused.
Gene Heskett wrote (on 10/2/2004):

Yes, of course you can use a changer. Amanda is used in large
installations doing hundreds of GB backups daily. They don't
have someone sitting around waiting to change tapes. Even I
don't do that in my home office. I have a six position changer
that does 12GB/tape. I set it to use two tapes -- if it needs
to use them. I.e. my normal nightly backup is about 7 or 8GB.
But if something unusual happens, it may take over 12GB. In
that case it will use a second tape.

The confusion here is the other Op mentioned a single dump limitation. An individual dump cannot span multiple tapes. Amanda can (now atleast limitedly) run the changer during a run and use up to run_tapes number of tapes, but it can still only put any given dump (DLE) onto one tape. A run may span multiple tapes, but not a given DLE must reside on one tape.

In your case I'm not sure what the problem is but it sounds way more hardware or OS related than having anything to do with AMANDA. AMANDA just is reporting symptoms or tripping the problem, but isn't the problem itself.

Check all your SCSI cables and connections, double check your terminations. Therein may lie your answer.

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