Hi Jon,

first of all, many thanks for your answer. I was so confused that I even didnīt try a stupid find over the maschine. Ok, ... I found the file. My error in reasoning was that I thought I can change in the directory where to recover to after running amrecover with lcd.

Thank you very much for your help!


Sorry for not chopping things down.
It looks to me like things worked as they should
but that your expectations were not accurate.

Suppose I have a disk-list entry (DLE) of "/foo/bar",
the "bar" directory is the "root" of my DLE
(amrestore calls it a filesystem).

Suppose I want to recover a file /foo/bar/proj/abc/target,
that file gets backed up as "./proj/abc/target" relative
to the "root" of my DLE.

However, it comes back from the recovery relative to
WHATEVER directory you run amrecover from.  I typically
run amrecover from a newly created directory, such as
/tmp/recover.  In that case, the file will recover to
/tmp/recover/proj/abc/target, not under /foo/bar.  If
I really wanted it back in the original place I would
have to run amrecover from /foo/bar.  I don't like to
do that because a human error might trash other things.
I like to recover first, then copy to real destination.

I looks like you ran amrecover from the mysql directory:

client2:/var/lib/mysql # /usr/sbin/amrecover bac -s srv -t srv -d

But your DLE was /var:

Trying disk /var ...
$CWD '/var/lib/mysql' is on disk '/var' mounted at '/var'.
200 Disk set to /var.
WARNING: not on root of selected filesystem, check man-page!

Thus, you were not at the "root of the selected DLE":

Then you asked to recover /var/lib/mysql/fulldump.sql.040930

amrecover> add fulldump.sql.040930

And it seems to have been recovered:

Continue [?/Y/n/s/t]? Y

But, because you were not in /var, but in /var/lib/mysql,
it probably came back as /var/lib/mysql/lib/mysql/fulldump.sql.040930.
Sylvia Gelman           Telefon: 06151-16-5261
TU-Darmstadt            Telefax: 06151-16-2507
Institut fuer Automatisierungstechnik - IAT
FG Regelungstheorie und Robotik
Raum S3|10 529          Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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